Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Fodder for thought

Ever been to a concert? Seen a band play live on TV? Streamed a band online? The chances are that you have, unless you reside under a proverbial rock located somewhere in hobbit land where everyone has hairy feet.

The point is, do you notice that every band, artist, what-have-you, has their "thing." For instance, Mariah Carey does the closed-eyes-finger-to-ear-scream/shriek-thing. Hedley, oh fuck me, Hedley's lead singer does the one-arm-behind-him-twitch-emo-scream-thing. Sid Vicious did the strung-out-on-too-many-drugs-falling-over-himself-slurring-songs-thing. Bob Dylan did the I'm-a-brilliant-asshole-and-I-know-it-thing. And, as observed tonight, Tokyo Police Club's lead singer, Dave Monks, does the geeky-awkward-stance-with-the-sudden-left-leg-bend, (which is reminiscent of a flamingo/prey mantis).

Just to name a few.

Just something to look out for and to 
a) admire
b) laugh at
c) mock
d) ask yourself why you care...

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