Wednesday, January 16, 2008

A new beginning, or the start of the end?

So, I sold my soul and jumped on the bandwagon. But is that really as bad as it sounds anymore. I don't think so. We are all so lost in the Internet and the so-called "blogosphere" that everyone has an opinion, slant, prejudice or what-have-you on just about everything out there. From professional journalists to street junkies to people hooked on fabricating anything they come across. Everyone is free to do as they will (well, under some loose pretexts) that is on the web.

So, well, welcome to the mechanics of Web 2.0, or the world on the macro scale. Actually, which one is the macro anymore? ToMAToes, tomAToes.

Well, as far as writing, this is nothing new for me, but a great passion. I will use this newly-acquired platform to "preach the word," or better yet, spread the syphilis of the word -- hopefully well-written, hard hitting, honest, and thought-provoking syphilis.

Here's to a new beginning, or an old start. Which ever one is more applicable.

"Ever since Descartes announced, "I think, therefore I am," the Western world has had an unhealthy obsession with selfhood."

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