So, I am back off of my brief hiatus of life in Whistler with my buddies. Joy to the world. Holler. Party! and Good Times (always spell out Good Times -- you look lazy if you don't).
Now how do I summarize my week riding powder, acting as a buoyant object in a hot tub, and being in a state of utter inebriation while not doing the two said things? Well, let me try: Whistler = burlap bar walls, k-os on drugs in concert, cliffs (Whistler has an ample supply of those) and my friend likes to soar down them unbeknownst to their whereabouts, and a land where "badgers trump sheep." Yep, that pretty much does justice to what Whistler is and was to me.
And just to rub it in, here are some photos (I think they clearly illustrate the abovementioned):

Look in the goggles to find the answer to life.
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