Friday, March 7, 2008

YouTube Scrawls

Have a moment? Good. I have a magic trick-cum-test for you. Go to YouTube and watch any old video that your (figurative) heart desires. Need some inspiration? Anything Gary Busey is usually gold. Or try "Britney Spears Stoned." Anything hard-hitting and intelligent will work -- or the antithesis of that sentiment is probably more apt for YouTube. 

But I digress.

Watch the enlightening piece of cinematic art and then scroll down to the "Comments & Responses" directly below. Now peruse freely. Sift. Skim. Wade. Diddle around in an English professors hell. Mingle in the primitive drivel of children's etchings on futuristic cave walls.

It's amazing to see how YouTube melts the cerebral matter of its users so aptly to turn their "comments" into inconsequential shite. What the hell happened to the English language? Well never-mind that, what the fuck happened to actually leaving a comment that wasn't "HAHAHAHAHAHA" or "OMG, so funnie." Why be so vacuous? If you're going to waste your time leaving anything, at least put more than two letters in succession.

Where are the opinions of people that don't think their feces is finger paint?

Humanity's regression has begun like America's recession.

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