Wednesday, January 30, 2008

In stead of writing drivel...

Here are some photos that I have recently taken...

Photo: Kt


Unknown said...

I think I wandered onto your blog by means of a shared affinity for Chuck Klosterman and have really enjoyed what I've read. It's a relief to see that Oakville has more than one progressive.

Ryan Bolton said...

And it's a relief to know that someone reads my shit. Well, no, that's not fair -- I have two friends and a mother that read it -- I think.

Unknown said...

Yours is actually the first blog I've ever read! Also in your defense, you are almost as new to the blog world as me, right? I'm sure your readership will blossom beyond four soon enough. Your photos are also quality. Where were these taken?

Ryan Bolton said...

Just around Oakville actually -- the top ones anyway. The bottom two were taken in my hometown...